Equipping dairy processing plant in Dsegh community

“Antonyan Group” LLC was founded by Narek Antonyan in Dsegh community, Lori region in 2020. The Company is mainly engaged in dairy production (Matsun/Armenian yogurt, Tan and cheese (Lori and Chanakh varieties)), and also pig breeding and poultry farming. The raw milk for the production is received from own farm and nearby communities. In the high season, the farmer used to face a serious shortage of milk due to the lack of the cooling equipment.

For modernization of the cheese production unit, with the support of the USAID-funded AGRI CAMP Program, the Company received a Milk refrigerator for accumulating (storing) the collected milk.

The Company now is well equipped to increase milk processing and to produce new varieties of cheese – Cheddar and Gouda.

The USAID-funded AGRI CAMP Program provides technical assistance and limited co-investments to the most active and successful cooperative members and SMEs/farmers to support the implementation of economic stimulus programs of the Government of Armenia. 

#AGRI_CAMP #USAID #ICARE #TechnicalSupport #AgriBusiness


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