Innovative Approaches in Waste Management training

November 26-27, 2022

Waste management as a global challenge; the main causes of ecological problems in Armenia and the world; environmental problems; the effect of gas emissions on the temperature of the country; how to maintain the area ecologically efficient; what is the carbon and ecological footprint…

These and other important issues related to the topic were discussed at the two-day training on “Innovative approaches in waste management” on November 26 and 27. The training was held at the ICARE Foundation within the framework of AGRI CAMP Program. Students from different regions of Armenia and young people engaged in agriculture participated in the course.

Answering the question why you decided to participate in the training, one of the participants said: “Collecting garbage makes me live.”

Apart from the theoretical part, the students carried out practical works under the title “Art from Waste”, demonstrating the inexhaustible potential of their creative minds.


The training was conducted by Mkhitar Avetisyan, the President and Co-founder of the ISSD-Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development of Communities NGO.


The fact that 3% of garbage in Armenia is made up of polyethylene, that is, 60 million bags per month, surprised the students. The guest speaker of the course, Artur Ghavalyan, Deputy Head of the Strategy Policy Department of the RA Ministry of Environment, talked about it, presenting the legal framework of waste management in RA, the gaps in it, the reforms that have been implemented and those that are going to be implemented.


The Speaker mentioned how long it takes to decompose the waste plastic bags. “When throwing garbage, people hardly care about its consequences. That is why the law was adapted accordingly,”-  said Artur Ghavalyan.

