June 29, 2021
The empowerment of the agriculture and agribusiness-related professional knowledge and skills of the Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) students is a keystone of the USAID financed AGRI CAMP Program, implemented by ICARE. Within the framework of the Program, the Study was conducted to ensure the successful engagement of students (with focus on female students) in R&D and implementation of activities that are directly linked to the sector and student needs, expectations and priorities. To validate the results of the Study undertaken in February-June 2021, the Workshop was conducted on June 29, attended by ANAU students, lecturers and staff. The ANAU Rector Vardan Urutyan, in his welcoming speech, stressed the importance of “engagement of students in research and development”. Lusine Tadevosyan, the Program COP, presented the AGRI CAMP Program goals and expected results. The results of the Study were presented by Lilit Avdalyan, an expert of the AGRI CAMP Program. “Bright, patriotic, realistic,” this is how Lilit Avdalyan described the students who took part in the survey. The workshop included interactive, hands-on approaches, due to which the participants actively shared and discussed their ideas.
The Study was conducted under the AGRI CAMP Program Objective 4: Increasing women’s access to agricultural innovation. Within this objective, the Program will address the economic gender gap by increasing access to innovative solutions and technology for women in the agricultural sector to raise productivity and promote inclusive rural economic development in Armenia. It will support the invention, adaptation, and dissemination of new context-relevant technologies to increase growth in agricultural productivity with a focus on female entrepreneurs and employees.